
Vocal Health Tips For Singers: Keeping Your Voice In Top Shape

By November 29, 2023December 20th, 2023No Comments

Vocal Health Tips For Singers: Keeping Your Voice In Top Shape

The voice is an instrument unlike any other—it’s alive, and it’s personal. For singers, vocal health is paramount, as it directly impacts performance and longevity in their craft. Understanding why vocal health is important is the first step towards a sustainable singing career. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or a passionate beginner, maintaining your vocal health is essential for keeping your voice in top shape.</span

Understanding Your Instrument

To care for your voice, you must first understand it. The voice is a complex system, relying on the coordinated effort of lungs, vocal cords, and resonators. Knowing how these work together helps you use your voice efficiently and healthily. This is why vocal health is important—it’s about making sure your instrument can play beautifully for years to come.

Daily Vocal Care

Effective vocal health for singers starts with hydration. Drinking ample water helps prevent vocal cord strain. Equally important is avoiding certain foods that can impair vocal clarity. Dairy products, known for inducing phlegm, and spicy foods, which can cause throat irritation, should be limited. Cold foods and drinks may dry out the throat, so warm beverages are preferable for soothing the vocal cords. Additionally, singers should avoid chocolate and other reflux-inducing foods before performances. Adequate sleep is also crucial, as it allows the vocal cords to recover and rejuvenate.

Warm-Up Exercises

In the journey of Carnatic music through generations, certain nuances and practices have evolved, sometimes leading to gaps in traditional vocal training methods. It’s important to recognize that, like any other form of music, singing requires diligent care of the voice. The vocal cords, akin to muscles in the body, need regular exercise to maintain strength and flexibility.

In this context, the importance of receiving proper training cannot be overstated. It is crucial to choose the right teacher and techniques, as they lay the foundation for a singer’s development. Learning from the right source ensures that students receive accurate and comprehensive information, preserving the integrity of Carnatic music while adapting to contemporary needs. A well-trained instructor not only imparts the correct techniques but also instils an understanding of the music’s rich heritage, ensuring that the essence of Carnatic music is passed on effectively to the next generation.

A well-structured routine of vocal warm-ups is crucial for any singer. Warm-up exercises gently prepare the vocal cords for the demands of singing, reducing the risk of strain or injury.

Neglecting these exercises can be likened to an athlete skipping stretches before and after a marathon, which is risky and counterproductive.

Healthy Vocal Techniques

Technique is everything in singing. Proper breathing, posture, and articulation are not just about sounding better—they’re about singing smarter. By mastering these, you can avoid the pitfalls of vocal strain and injury. This is how to take care of your vocal cords for singing—by using them correctly.

At The Pallikoodam, an e-learning platform dedicated to the performing arts, we emphasize the importance of understanding and nurturing your voice. Through our various courses and initiatives, we aim to educate and inspire our learners about the intricacies of vocal health.

One such initiative is the “Musicians In Conversation (M.I.C)” series, where we engage with a diverse array of artists, ranging from emerging talents to renowned veterans, to explore their insights on maintaining vocal health amidst their demanding careers. These conversations offer invaluable lessons for both aspiring and seasoned singers.

For instance, in one of our M.I.C sessions, Benny Dayal, a prolific artist known for his intense work schedule and frequent music releases, shared the significance of rest and sleep in maintaining vocal health. His experience highlights the necessity of balancing work with adequate rest to ensure the longevity of one’s singing career.

Similarly, Shwetha Mohan, in her conversation with us, recounted the extraordinary measure her mother, Sujatha Mohan, a celebrated singer, took for her vocal health: a two-year hiatus from singing to enhance her singing abilities. This decision highlights the dedication and measures professional singers may undertake to maintain and improve their vocal performance.

Whether it’s through sufficient rest, vocal exercises, or other nurturing practices, knowing what your voice requires is essential for a healthy and sustainable singing career. At The Pallikoodam, we not only teach vocal techniques but also instill in our learners the importance of vocal care, ensuring they embark on a journey that is both fulfilling and enduring.

Recognising and Avoiding Potential Harm.

Maintaining vocal health also means being aware of harmful habits. Here are some quick tips on what to steer clear of:

  • Smoking: It’s damaging to vocal cords and overall health.
  • Excessive Yelling: This strains the voice and can cause damage over time.
  • Clearing Your Throat Harshly: Opt for a gentle cough or sip water instead.
  • Dehydrating Substances: Minimize caffeine and alcohol to keep vocal cords hydrated.
  • Dairy Before Performing: It can lead to excess mucus and affect vocal clarity.
  • Sip on water: Regularly drinking water is an effective way to keep your throat hydrated, especially in dry conditions.
  • Whispering: It can be more straining than speaking softly. By avoiding these actions, you contribute to the long-term health of your voice.

Professional Care and Voice Maintenance

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we encounter vocal problems. This is when professional care is invaluable. Regular check-ups with a voice therapist or ENT specialist can catch issues before they become serious. They can provide vocal health tips for singing that are tailored to your unique needs.

Rest is not a sign of weakness; it’s an essential component of vocal strength. Knowing when to rest your voice is a skill that all singers must develop. If you’ve been straining your voice, a period of vocal rest is often the best remedy. This is a crucial aspect of how to take care of your vocal cords for singing.

Your voice is a barometer of your emotional state. Stress and anxiety can manifest in your singing, so managing these not only benefits your mental health but your vocal health as well.

The Role of Continuous Learning

At The Pallikoodam, we believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and when it comes to singing, it’s no different. In our genre-free course PaatuClass, we ensure that learning the art of singing is always done with health in mind. We teach and practice breathing techniques and vocal warm-ups that are essential for vocal longevity. Our commitment is to the healthy vocal growth and best practices of our learners, and we stand by the belief that a well-cared-for voice is a singer’s greatest asset.


Your voice can take you to incredible places. It can touch hearts and open doors to opportunities you’ve never imagined. But like any precious instrument, it requires care and respect. By following these vocal health tips for singers, you can enjoy a robust singing career, whether on the stage or in the studio PaatuClass.

For those looking to delve deeper into vocal health and technique, consider exploring further educational resources. If you don’t know where to begin, join PaatuClass to embark on a singing journey with us! Remember, the best investment you can make as a singer is in your vocal health, because a singer’s diet for a healthy voice and proper vocal care are the bedrock of a lasting career.

Qushay Ramchandani


A copywriter who enjoys learning and researching music from time to time.